Monday, March 10, 2014

Maintain your goal weight

In the last three months, since starting the "maintenance" portion of my weight loss journey, I have found that wheat and I ... we don't see eye to eye anymore.  Which is truly very sad, because I very much love wheat!  I have made the decision that once we get move to Dallas, I will start tying to bake paleo bread.  I need bread in my life, even if its faux bread.  Being gluten free for a baker is going to be challenging.  But I will have plenty of spare time to turn it into something great while looking for a job/waiting for Dr. R Finley to get to Dallas.

Paleo and gluten free lifestyle are essentially to an extent what maintenance of your life should be.  Its about healthy food that easily digested.  Most adults do have a hard time in one way or another digesting wheat/gluten/dairy.  There are a lot of things that I will take from Take Shape for Life and keep forever and other things I will modify, because that is what you do when you maintain something, make it personal to you and your lifestyle.

In Dallas, I will have more accessibility to paleo/TSFL lifestyle foods.  Not saying that in Lafayette I do not have ANY, but there is everyone fighting at the same two places for the foods.

In maintaining my weight loss, you find yourself in almost per say daily battles.  Take for instance, during Mardi Gras here, I think every single patient brought us a king cake from a different bakery.  While I did not taste ALL of them, I did taste a few of them.  But then I would almost feel guilty.  Then in thinking about why I would feel guilty, it was because I felt like I was going to go into my old habits, or as we at TSFL call a "temporary relapse in thinking"  I guess because I had read about it and talked to clients about it, I was super aware of this being a possibility?  Really I am in the battle of do you feed your urges or your needs for body support, and you usually pick the first one.  All thought for my birthday week, I was a little more okay with "splurging"  My birthday was March 6th, and to my surprise people texted, called, emailed, and facebooked me all day and through out this weekend.  The two assistants at work bought me starbucks, and my boss bought the office lunch, my sisters and dad had flowers sent to me, Luis took me to dinner at Bonefish and to Indulge to have some cheesecake.  All in all a great day!

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